Monday, August 31, 2015

Why We Love September (And You Should, Too!)

September is derived from the latin Septem as it was once the 7th month of the old Roman calendar. We all know 7 is a lucky number. There's 7 wonders of the world, we describe ourselves as being in seventh heaven. Even though it became the 9th month of the year (thanks Caesar?), if you ask me, September is the best month of the year. We kick it off with a three day weekend that signals us to get outside and enjoy the final weeks of summer. It has the best weather of any month and that's true pretty much no matter where you go in the US. Football has reclaimed its rightful place at the helm, and kids are off to school again.

Summer goes by in the blink of an eye and September seems to be a month where we can slow down a little, take a deep breathe, and enjoy. Take stock of what you have accomplished since the snow melted and make a plan to complete what simply fell off the plate. All too often, we don't appreciate being healthy until we get sick. It won't be long before you are relegated to staring into the backyard from your kitchen window dreaming of the perfect weather and green grass. Well guess what? The grass is green and the temperature is perfect. Take a long nap by the pondless waterfall, invite some friends over for a barbecue, or gather the kids by the fire pit for some s'mores this weekend. Make some memories you can call upon this February from that kitchen window.

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