Friday, June 30, 2017

Let's Face it, Mosquitoes Suck!

Now you can turn your backyard into a haven with the Haven Backyard Lighting & Mosquito Repellent System. It provides effective, convenient, season-long mosquito protection, with or without low voltage landscape lighting.

I live adjacent to a retention system and the mosquitoes get so bad during some times of the year, you simply can't go outside without drenching yourself in Deet. We tried everything from cedar oil, candles, torches and scented geraniums to foggers, propane systems, and lawn sprays. Some of them worked for a few minutes, but none of them worked for long. When picking up supplies at one of our vendors, I was introduced to the Haven system. I'm always a skeptic and decided I would give it a shot at my own house before making any promises to customers. I was not just impressed, I was AMAZED! I finally have my yard back! I added the system to an already existing low voltage lighting system. It was a simple task that took me less than 3 hours to install 8 units. I only turn the system on 15 minutes before we are going to be outside and there is not a mosquito to be found! You can tell how well the system works just by leaving the yard. After you get about 15 feet from my property line you are eaten alive in July and August. Now that this system is proven, we will offer it as an option on all landscape packages. You can watch the video here:

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